
SATURDAY, April 15
Breakfast (7:00-7:50 AM)
Session 1: ACGME Updates (8:00-10:45 AM)

Workshop Welcome (8:00-8:15 AM)

ACGME (8:15-8:45 AM)

Feedback: Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Faculty (8:45-9:15 AM)

Quality Improvement (9:15-9:45 AM)

How Are Programs Implementing the Program Requirements (9:45-10:15 AM)

Panel Discussion (10:15-10:45 AM)
• Panel Discussion: session speakers for open Q&A

Break (10:45-11:00 AM)
Session 2: Innovations in Fellowship Training (Part 1) – Leveraging a Virtual Environment (11:00 AM -12:10 PM)

How to Keep Fellows Engaged in Virtual Format (11:00-11:25 AM)

Virtual – Readjustment (What to keep and What to leave behind) (11:25-11:50AM)

Panel Discussion (11:50 AM -12:10 PM)
• Panel Discussion: session speakers for open Q&A

Lunch (12:15-1:15 PM)
Session 3: Fellow Competency (1:30-2:50 PM)

Best Practices for Fellows Underperforming and Overperforming (1:30-2:15 PM)

Panel Discussion: Endoscopic Competency: Assessment in Programs (2:15-2:50 PM)

Break (2:50-3:00 PM)
Overview of Breakouts (3:00 – 3:25 PM)
Session 4: Breakouts and Track for Program Coordinators (3:30-5:30 PM)

3:30 – 4:05 PM

  • Breakout 1A: Holistic Review
  • Breakout 1B: Behavioral / Interviewing Tips

Transition Time: 5 minutes

4:10 – 4:45 PM

  • Breakout 2A: Behavioral / Interviewing Tips
  • Breakout 2B: Holistic Review

Transition Time: 5 minutes

4:50 – 5:30 PM

  • Breakout 3A: Rank List
  • Breakout 3B: Rank List
Program Coordinators Track (3:30-5:30pm)
  • Panel Discussion: Working with Multiple Programs / Personalities
  • Panel: Discussion: Transition in Leadership
  • Panel Discussion: Successful Documentation
  • Coordinator View (Talk Show Style)
Reception (5:45-6:45 PM)
SUNDAY, April 16

Breakfast (7:00 – 7:50 AM)

Session 5: Innovations in Fellowship Training (Part 2) – GI Education (8:00 – 9:15 AM)

Artificial Intelligence (8:00 – 8:20 AM)

Simulation (8:20 – 8:50 AM)

GI Face-Off: Panel Discussion (8:50-9:15 AM)

Break (9:15-9:30 AM)
Session 6: Faculty Development (9:30-11:45 AM)

Panel Discussion: Faculty Engagement (9:30-10:00 AM)

Lecture / Case-based: Conflict Management – (10:00-10:45 AM)

Fellow and Faculty Wellness and Burnout (10:45-11:25 AM)

Mindfulness Exercise (11:25 AM – 11:35 AM)

Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks (11:35-11:45 AM)